Poker is a very dynamic game and its main components are familiar to everyone. Among them it would be fair to separate consistency and ability to make sensible decisions. Each player always tries to follow strict rules and save positions in the game till the end. Unfortunately, not often it is possible to predict the end of the game and to win. In order to have more chances for the happy end, the best way would be to follow betting patterns.
The importance of betting patterns

There are a lot of betting patterns that help to build a game strategy that will lead to success. But which strategy to choose and how to proceed in different game situations? This question is not easy to answer, because basic pattern is similar to multiplication table. If you don’t know this table, you won’t be able to solve tasks. Just learn basic rules and after that start braking them.
If you don’t know the basics, there will be no chances for you to predict further steps of the opponent and so no chances to win. It is very important to consider all the patterns that were developed by professional players and maybe even to try those that seem more successful.
Main betting principles
Except main patters, it is possible to separate key factors in poker. They are effective in each type of the game and should be used quickly and effectively.
- Force. When you have strong hands or a winning combination, you tend to win more and so, when you bet, you plan to make a huge bank. If you have medium-strength hands, it would be difficult to win a bank, because your opponent might have a stronger hand, so pin – is your way out. In addition, you will need to pass if you have weak hands. Bluff in this situation must be successful.
- Aggression. Bet or raise is always better than a passive game. Such tactic gives you two chances to win: your competitor may through a stronger hand and can make a call. In a passive game, you will win only with the strongest combination.
- Business. Choose the most successful bet that should force your competitor to throw the strongest hand.
- Fraud. Don’t play the same way in similar situations. If you want to succeed in betting, make your game different. Competitor shouldn’t know that you do the same in similar situations. He should doubt your next step.
If you really want to become a poker star, it’s time to learn the basic patterns and to follow the principles that will help to make the game brighter.
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